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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - towel


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  1. полотенце clean towel —- чистое полотенце bath towel —- купальное полотенце dish towel —- кухонное полотенце Turkish towel —- махровое полотенце paper towel —- бумажное полотенце to dry (to rub, to wipe) with a towel —- вытирать полотенцем; вытираться полотенцем 2. уст. салфетка 3. церк. уст. покрывало для жертвенника; престольный покров Id: sanitary towel —- гигиеническая подушечка Id: lead towel —- сл. пуля Id: oaken towel —- сл. дубинка Id: to throw (to toss) in the towel —- сдаться, признать себя побежденным 4. вытирать полотенцем 5. вытираться полотенцем 6. сл. бить, хлестать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  down вытирать(ся) полотенцем TOWEL  1. noun полотенце oaken towel obs.; sl. - дубинка to throw in the towel - сдаться, признать себя побежденным  2. v.  1) вытирать(ся) полотенцем  2) sl. бить - towel down - towel off TOWEL off вытирать(ся) полотенцем ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a piece of rough-surfaced absorbent cloth used for drying oneself or a thing after washing. b absorbent paper used for this. c a cloth used for drying plates, dishes, etc.; a tea towel. 2 Brit. = sanitary towel. --v. (towelled, towelling; US toweled, toweling) 1 tr. (often refl.) wipe or dry with a towel. 2 intr. wipe or dry oneself with a towel. 3 tr. sl. thrash. Phrases and idioms towel-horse (or -rail) a frame for hanging towels on. Derivatives towelling n. Etymology: ME f. OF toail(l)e f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English towaille, from Anglo-French tuaille, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German dwahila ~; akin to Old High German dwahan to wash  Date: 13th century an absorbent cloth or paper for wiping or drying  II. verb  (-eled or -elled; -eling or -elling)  Date: circa 1839  transitive verb to rub or dry (as the body) with a ~  intransitive verb to use a ~ to dry oneself ~ed down after swimming ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (towels, towelling, towelled) Note: in AM, use 'toweling', 'toweled' 1. A towel is a piece of thick soft cloth that you use to dry yourself. ...a bath towel. N-COUNT 2. If you towel something or towel it dry, you dry it with a towel. James came out of his bedroom, toweling his wet hair... I towelled myself dry... He stepped out of the shower and began towelling himself down. VERB: V n, V n adj, V n down/off 3. If you throw in the towel, you stop trying to do something because you realize that you cannot succeed. (INFORMAL) It seemed as if the police had thrown in the towel and were abandoning the investigation. PHRASE: V inflects 4. see also sanitary towel, tea towel ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n a piece of cloth that you use for drying your skin or for drying things such as dishes  (a bath towel)  (- see also paper towel, sanitary pad, tea towel, throw in the towel throw1) ~2 v AmE also towel down to dry yourself using a towel  (- see also towelling) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1250, from O.Fr. toaille, from Frank. *thwahlja (cf. O.H.G. dwehila "towel"), from P.Gmc. *thwakhlijan. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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